08月18日讯 骑士球员 、瞎话新赛阿迪达斯品牌代言人米切尔的板米中国行已经停止。
Q :The瞎话新赛 first question is you just joined the Cavaliers last season, how was it fitting with your tea妹妹ates?
问 :上赛季是你退出骑士队的第一个赛季 ,你与新队友们的板米相助与顺应情景若何呢?
A:It was good !You know,接受季充 I think obviously we wanted to have success in the plans we did from the beginning, as the year you know as a whole I think we did a lot of positive things, a lot of good things, so I think you know for us um just continue to build of that. I love my guys, we add some new guys to the lineup, got some shooting got some stuff like that, so exciting.
答 :颇为宜 !很清晰地 ,采访斥期咱们从上赛季初就一起定下了起劲争胜的致谢目的 ,而且在不断为之自动,反对于对于待在这一整年里,瞎话新赛我以为咱们也一起做到了良多自动的板米使命 ,良多很棒的接受季充使命。
我爱我的兄弟们 ,今夏又有一些新同伙退出咱们的队伍,有一些长于投射 、能飞善扣的新队友们,这太使人欢喜了。
Q:Have you already getting used to the life in Cleveland?
问 :你已经习气了在克利夫兰的生涯了吗?
A :Yeah, definitely getting used to it. You know I think it's one of those things were come to the city you don't know what to expect, and they've embraced with open arms, I'm excited to be there excited to be part of it.
so I think for me, the next part is just continue with the build and then you know and win some games.
答:是的,我已经颇为颇为习气这里的生涯了 。刚并吞这座都市时 ,我不知道接下来会爆发甚么,但他们都张开双臂拥抱我的到来 ,我很欢喜能并吞这座都市,很欢喜能成为这里的一员 。
以是对于我来说,下一步便是不断建树这支球队,而且赢患上更多的角逐 。
Q:As we all know, You’ve got some good grades in the regular season last season, maybe also you're not satisfied with your playoff season, so uh do you have already set some goals for your regular season game or playoff for next season?
问:家喻户晓,你们上赛季在老例赛中打出了很棒的下场 ,但你可能对于季后赛的服从不够知足 ,以是你是否已经为下赛季的老例赛或者季后赛设定好了一些目的呢?
A :Yeah, you know to repeat the same regular season, you know we did a lot of good things, you know when the playoffs comes that time you know it is that time to be that guy and be that team you wanna be, you know whether it's conference finals, finals, you know that's what we side our side, so we're not trying to go prankingless.
You know I've personally had some trouble the past two years, or pass my whole career really but getting out of the second round, so that's the goal you know just continue to build and win a championship.
You gotta go through some struggles to get there but you know for myself and for the group you know who were ready, we gotta got their proof.
答:没错 ,对于老例赛来说,我愿望咱们能坚持上赛季的节奏 ,咱们(上赛季老例赛)打出过良多卓越的展现 ,但当季后赛到来的时候 ,我需要去成为那个抉择角逐的人 ,成为咱们想要成为的球队,不论是分区决赛仍是总决赛 ,咱们的目的都是比上赛季更进一步 ,以是咱们不会把角逐当成儿戏,咱们会竭尽起劲。
最近两年我也蒙受了一些总体层面的下场,搜罗我在全部职业生涯中还未能突破第二轮,以是我的目的便是要不断地让自己变患上更强 ,而且最终赢患上总冠军。
每一总体想要抵达目的的此岸,都确定要履历良多的挣扎与挑战,但对于我自己以及我身旁蓄势待发的队友来说,咱们势必会证实自己 。
Q :So uh from last season may be the most great view or great moment for you is the 71 point game uh so also you may have already looked back for so many times but we also want you to share about the feeling of that game.
问 :对于你来说 ,上赛季最棒的光阴无疑是那场71分的角逐(1.3对于阵公牛)了吧 !可能你已经有数次回顾过那场角逐了,但咱们愿望你能再分享分享对于那场角逐的感触 。
A:Um man it was incredible! You know I didn't, we were down 20 points came back, you know I think for me um not really realizing I had that many points, just kind of going just playing and you know trying to find a way to pull us back to the win and ultimately ended up getting it, but you know for me just trying to find ways to score and promise to bring our team back, look up the next thing you're at 69 and you got 71 on the two free throws, so it's pretty pretty dope.
答 :天啊 ,那太难以想象了!你概况也记患上,那场角逐咱们是从落伍20分的情景下一起追归来的,在那场角逐之中 ,我根基没无意见到我患了那末多分,我只是专一于角逐,想尽所有措施帮球队逆转模式,最终在完场时患上到了那样一个分数。